Fiqh Al Muyassar-Arabic


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Hanafi Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence), presented in a clear and detailed way that attracts the reader and does not make it difficult for the readers to understand those issues.

This text is Used as the introductory Hanafi Fiqh Book in Many Darul, Ulums across the world.

Introduction By Sheikh Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi

One of the most prolific writers and original thinkers of our time, author of well over fifty books in various languages, and a scholar of rare distinction, passed into the mercy of Allah in December 1999.

The Maulana was a founder member of the Muslim World League (Rabita), a member of the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC), a member of the World Supreme Council of Mosques, and a member of the Fiqh Council of Rabita.

He was also a member of Advisory Council of the Islamic University of Madinah al-Munawwarah, a member of its Supreme Council, and a member of the Academy of Arts and Letters of Damascus, Syria. He was also a founder member of the League of the Islamic Literature in India.

Perhaps better known as the founder member and first rector of Nadwatul Ulama (India), and president of the Academy of Islamic Research and Publications.