Mamool Cambodi Bakhoor is a top quality bakhoor made in Saudi Arabia using the finest raw agar wood chips enriched with 78% pure Cambodi Oud Oil. This bakhoor carries a very traditional Arabian aroma that enlivens the atmosphere and adds an extra touch of exoticness to the surroundings.
Mamool Cambodi is a premium quality bakhoor made from 78% pure Cambodi Oud Oil. The fragrant fumes emitted from this bakhoor fill your house with an intensely deep scent that hypnotizes the senses. It can be easily identified by its sharp intensity and long lasting aroma once it is burnt on an incense burner. A one of a kind fragrant bakhoor from Souk Galleria that will captivate your heart with its unique notes. It is a perfect choice for those who long for perfection.
Made in Saudi Arabia
Usage: It can be burnt on all types of burners.
Form: Balls
Weight: 40 grams
It comes in a beautiful round tin box packed in our exclusive black box complete with our originality seal.