The subject of Mahdi has attracted the attention of both Muslims and non-Muslims alike worldwide in recent times.Tens of theories have been brought to the fore throughout history with many people even deciding on the date of the emergence of the Mahdi. The author has presented the summary of great research that deals exclusively with the authentic information given by Rasulullah in the Ahadith. He has also refuted the false and fabricated information put out by ignorant individuals and deviated groups. Great scholars have lent credence to this masterpiece. Allah willing, it will serve to inform, enlighten and inspire.
The Book before you is a masterpiece. It is a collection of in-depth research and fulfills a great need. Upon meeting the author during his visit to south africa in 2010, I was told that it was written in order to clarify the belief regarding Hadrat Mehdi, since seeing that a lot of incorrect information is easily available on the internet and through other sources.
“This is the khalifah of Allah, the Mahdi, so obey him.”